HP Prime G2 Graphing Calculator

HP Prime G2 Graphing Calculator
HP Prime is ideal for algebra, geometry, physics, trigonometry, engineering and chemistry students. Special Features: - 3D Graphing; you can graph virtually anything on X & Y & Z. - Dynamic Geometry; view and edit symbolic definitions of all geometric objects - Statistics Package; Equipped with one-variable, two-variable and inferential statistics - Integrated, just-in-time, context-sensitive help - IB Diploma Programme exam approved - Sleek, slim, brushed metal design that looks great and performs even better. Keep the calculator protected when it's not in use with a slide-on cover - Enjoy a feature-rich calculating experience with familiar HP alphanumeric keypad and a large 3.5-inch diagonal, multi-touch display - Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery, 256 MB flash memory.