Labour Relations in South Africa

Labour Relations in South Africa
andpractice of labour relations in South Africa. This edition engages with the various issues,shifts and notable changes post-pandemic, including the evolving nature of employees,employers and the very notion of work itself. The textbook offers an academically soundNew to this edition:• Discussion on the evolving concept of work andthe work-technology connection• Updated chapter on ethics in labour relations,including material on the interrelationshipsbetween ethics in society, the organisation, andin labour relations• Updated legislation, including amendments tolegislation, and the national minimum wage• Content on the wage gap, equal pay, and barriersto non-discrimination in the workplace• New case studies, examples, and case law• A consideration of future directions for the studyof labour relations in South Africafoundation of the principles and theories of labour relations, combined with practical realworldapplications.Labour Relations 6e is core learning materialfor courses in labour or employeerelations, which are offered as a secondto fourth year module in undergraduateprogrammes of human resourcemanagement, business management,and industrial psychology at bothuniversities and universitiesof technology.