Learning to Teach History in the Secondary School
Learning to Teach History in the Secondary School
'An excellent companion to Learning to Teach in Secondary School ... full of good ideas and better advice ... Mentors will certainly want to use it, and so, I'm sure, will the rest of the history department ... Make sure they buy one, and keep your copy under lock and key.' - Michael Duffy, Times Educational Supplement 'A very well written and readable book. Overall, this is an excellent book and one which students and teachers outwits England would find a valuable addition to their library.' - Scottish Association of Teachers of History, Resources Review 'This book is without question the standard text for the history PGCE market.' - Dr Ian Davies, University of York, on the first edition. Learning to Teach History in the Secondary School provides an accessible introduction to teaching and learning history at secondary level. Underpinned by a theoretical perspective and backed up by the latest research, it encourages student teachers to develop a personal approach to teaching history.