Organisational Analysis and Intergovernmental Relations: a South Af...
Organisational Analysis and Intergovernmental Relations: a South African Perspective (E-Book)
Organisations affect all aspects of human existence. They operate under immense pressure to offer their goods and services efficiently, economically and at the right time, all within the confines of the domestic and international laws which govern their trading. To meet these challenges in today’s ever-changing global environment, the dealings within and between organisations need to be constantly monitored. Organisational analysis and intergovernmental relations: a South African perspective discusses how organisations work, how to conduct organisational analysis and how organisations can benefit from the advantages of intergovernmental relations in order to maximise productivity, effectiveness and profitability. Organisational analysis and intergovernmental relations: a South African perspective provides an overview of organisations, and the organisational design and structures applicable to both the private and public sectors.