Community Psychology: South African Praxis (New for SLK320)
Community Psychology: South African Praxis (New for SLK320)
Community Psychology is an applied branch of psychology that strives to promote the health and well-being of people in various contexts. It is particularly relevant in the quest to address psychosocial problems and empower people through community development. The book provides the reader with theories relevant to the study of people in larger contexts and applies these theories to various problems experienced in the diverse multicultural South African context. The authors of this book have delved deeper into the psychosocial problems of South African communities such as violence, HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, poverty and unemployment, racism and xenophobia, violence and crime, gender-based violence /gender equity, masculinities, diversity of gender expressions, child and adolescent mental health, the elderly in the community, community trauma and crises. The book offers the ability to analyse, contextualise and intervene or address these problems in communities.