Journalism Principles and Practice (E-Book)

Journalism Principles and Practice (E-Book)
Journalism Principles and Practice (E-Book)
R 1280.00 R 1470.00 SAVE R 190.00
Journalism Principles and Practice (E-Book)
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Journalism Principles and Practice (E-Book)


Journalism Principles & Practice adopts a broad view of the modern world of mass media and social interaction. As such, it explores the media industry across various platforms, in order for students to grasp the diversity of content that is produced, and how each platform contributes to global narratives. Important skills for writing hard news and feature articles are covered in detail – from the very first steps of sourcing and reporting, to the finer details of representation. Students will also learn how to evaluate news for credibility, and how the spread of fake news has influenced journalistic practice in contemporary reporting. Lastly, this book considers future trends and groundbreaking advances in the industry, to provide a framework for further learning.

Product Information
Journalism Principles and Practice
EDGE Learning Media
Format Type
E-Book - Vitalsource
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