The Farming Handbook
The Farming Handbook
The Farming Handbook is a unique and comprehensive book that deals with a wide range of agricultural subjects and enterprises in one easy-to-use volume. Although the focus is mainly on conditions in South Africa, the agricultural principles and practices can easily be applied elsewhere. Throughout his career, Barry Smith has formulated and collected rules of thumb, working on the premise that it is better to be roughly right than to be precisely wrong. 150 of these thumb rules are presented here, which can save time and effort and are easy to remember and apply. The book is an essential guide to natural resources (climate, vegetation, soil and water), and contains useful information on veld management, land assessment, agricultural engineering (soil erosion, land preparation, and building), and irrigation. Barry Smith's extensive knowledge and experience are revealed in the practical resources given for livestock production (beef, dairy, pigs, sheep, goats, poultry, and wildlife), pastures, field crops, orchard crops, vegetables, and timber.