The Radio Journalism Toolkit

The Radio Journalism Toolkit
The Radio Journalism Toolkit" offers detailed, practical advice for anybody who wants to wield a microphone.If you're attracted by the adrenaline-pumping possibilities of reporting the news on the biggest, fastest medium available, this book will tell you how. It covers everything from how to hold that mike to writing for the ear, compiling bulletins, handling difficult interviews and digital editing. It includes a particular focus on the needs of community radio journalists, who have to report on a shoestring. Practical exercises are backed up by a CD with raw sound to work on, examples of great radio reports and other material.And don't forget to follow the adventures of Ace Tshabalala, intern at Sandi FM, as he gets to grips with the reality of a radio newsroom!Practical exercises are backed up by an interactive CD-ROM with raw sound to work on, examples of great radio reports and other material.