Introduction To South African Guitar Styles: Five Decades Of Ukuvam...
Introduction To South African Guitar Styles: Five Decades Of Ukuvamba 1930s-1980s
An Introduction to South African Guitar Styles Vol. 1 is an exploration of the history of the guitar in Black South African popular music over five decades and the most important styles to have evolved around it: marabi, maskanda, African jazz, kwela, mbaqanga and XiTsonga. It is an accessible tutorial for those who can formally read music and those who play only by ear, and it contains online visuals for reference purposes. Biographies of the artists profiled and the historical background of each of the musical styles are provided. To add depth and perspective, guest artists were invited to address various aspects of the tutorials and provide demonstrations and interviews in videos that are available on All demonstrations are presented close-up in slow motion for learning purposes and also in their original faster tempos. Stave notation is also provided.