Voyage de noces - 9782070384549

Voyage de noces
I came across the old newspaper clipping that dated from the winter when Ingrid had met Rigaud. It was Ingrid who had given it to me the last time I saw her. Over dinner she had started telling me about all that time, and she had taken a crocodile skin wallet out of her purse, and from that wallet the neatly folded newspaper clipping she had carried with her all those years. I remember that she was silent at that moment and that her gaze took on a funny expression, as if she wanted to pass on to me a burden that had weighed on her for a long time or that she guessed that I too, more later, I would go looking for him. It was a very small paragraph among the other advertisements, the requests and the job offers, the section of the real estate and commercial transactions: "We are looking for a young girl, Ingrid Teyrsen, sixteen years old, 1.60 m, oval face, gray eyes, brown sports coat, light blue sweater, beige skirt and hat, black sports shoes.